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My research agenda and published work is guided by questions pertaining to the phonetics and phonology of understudied varieties, bi-/multilingualism, and sound change, with an emphasis on language-specific phenomena and phonemic mergers in minoritized contexts.


MacDonald, J. E., Fagyal, Zs., Beristain, A., & Turner, R. (2022). Selected Proceedings from the 51st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory Series, 18. (.pdf)


Beristain, A. (2022). The acquisition of acoustic and aerodynamic patterns of coarticulation in second and heritage languages [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. (.pdf)


Beristain, A. (2024). The role of (re)syllabification on coarticulatory nasalization: Aerodynamic evidence from Spanish. Languages, 9(6), 219. (.pdf)

Beristain, A. (2023). Gestural timing patterns of nasality in highly proficient Spanish learners of English: Aerodynamic evidence. Language and Speech, 0(0). (.pdf)

Beristain, A. (2023). An airflow analysis of Spanish and English anticipatory vowel nasalization among heritage bilinguals. Languages, 8(3), 205. (.pdf)

Beristain, A. (2022). Spectral properties of anterior sibilant fricatives in Northern Peninsular Spanish and sibilant-merging and non-merging varieties of Basque. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 52(3). 421-452. (.pdf)

Hualde, J. I., Beristain, A., Icardo Isasa, A., & Zhang, J. (2021). Hitz-bukaerako herskariak: Kontsonante talkak [Word-final plosives: Consonant clashes]. ASJU-International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, 53(1-2), 83-106. (.pdf)

Beristain, A. (2020). Type of early bilingualism effect on the delateralization of /ʎ/ in Basque and Spanish. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 11(5), 700-738. (.pdf)

Beristain, A. (2019). Azpeitiko euskararen hiztegi dialektal bat – II [A dialectal dictionary of Azpeitia Basque – II]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 127, 7-58. (.pdf)

Beristain, A. (2018). Azpeitiko euskararen hiztegi dialektal bat – I [A dialectal dictionary of Azpeitia Basque – I]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 125, 7-54. (.pdf)

Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2017). Azpeitiko azentuaren gauzatze fonetikoaz [On the acoustic realization of stress in Azpeitia Basque]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 123, 65-85. (.pdf)


Beristain, A. (in press). The perception and production of Basque sibilant fricatives by native speakers of English. Book title TBA.

Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2021). Euskal hizkera berriak: Azentua eta singularraren eta pluralaren arteko bereizkuntza tokian tokiko hizkeretan eta bertako euskara batuan [Basque translation of ‘New Basque varieties: Accentuation and grammatical number in Standard Basque and local dialects’.] Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online (pp. n.d.). De Gruyter Mouton.

Hualde, J. I., Beristain, A., & Icardo Isasa, A. (in press). Word-prosodic contrasts and bidialectalism in Basque. In B. Köhnlein, & P. Iosad (Eds.), Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Tonal Accent. Oxford University Press.

Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2020). New Basque varieties: Accentuation and grammatical number in Standard Basque and local dialects. In L. Grenoble, P. Lane, & U. Røyneland (Eds.), Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online (pp. n.d.). De Gruyter Mouton. (.pdf)

Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2019). Bi alofonia-gertakari Azpeitiko euskaran [Two allophony phenomena in Azpeitia Basque]. In A. Etxebarria, A. Iglesias, H. Lejarreta, & A. Romero (Eds.), Traineru bete lagun: Iñaki Gaminde omenduz (pp. 209-228). UPV/EHU Press. (.pdf)

Beristain, A. (2018). The acoustic realization of /s̺/ and /ts̻/ by L1 and L2 Basque speakers. In L. Unamuno, A. Romero, A. Etxebarria, & A. Iglesias (Eds.), Linguistic Variation in the Basque Language and Education (vol. 3) (pp. 70-82). UPV/EHU Press. (.pdf)


Hualde, J. I., Beristain, A., Icardo Isasa, A., & Zhang, J. (2019). Lenition of word-final plosives in Basque. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, & M. Tabain (Eds.), Proceedings from the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 642–646. (.pdf)

Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2018).Acoustic correlates of word-accent in Basque. In H. Mixdorff (Ed.), Proceedings from TAL2018, Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, 98–102. (.pdf)

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Ander Beristain

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